Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is Coming to Aldersgate

Aldersgate is excited to announce that we will be hosting Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University! FPU is a 9-session workshop focused on teaching people how to attain true financial peace in their lives. Lessons include great information and coaching on how to make a budget, savings, how to get out of debt fast, the role of insurance, retirement and college planning, real estate, and giving! The class also dives deep into issues of dealing with relationships around money, the current culture and climate of spending, and what it means to be Godly with our money. The class is based on Biblical principles and common-sense and focuses on our behavior and mindset more than the actual techniques. Ramsey says that getting right with money is 20% math and 80% behavior. Dave Ramsey is an evangelical Christian who has helped millions of people with their financial situation. He has a nationally syndicated radio show and has written several best-selling books, such as the Total Money Make Over, The Complete Guide to Money, and the Legacy Journey. Financial Peace University has been taught for over 20 years and the average person who takes the class, pays off $5,300 of debt and saves $2,700 in just the first 90 days.

Aldersgate's FPU will begin on Sept 18th. Each interactive session will run every Sunday from 3PM-5PM and will conclude on Nov 13th. With shipping of the materials, the cost is about $100 per couple to attend and includes a life-time membership which allows you and your spouse to attend any FPU in the future, as many times as you want.

To register, or if you have any questions, please go to www.daveramsey.com/fpu/classes/1024701 or contact Wayne Maury.